Let’s Start Day with Happiness


Storycitra.com- Lately, I felt so tired and had no power to do something, and that’s why my blog for a few weeks is not updated. Because, I did not have the mood to write, had no idea, and felt lazy all the time. After drinking coffee today, I can write some on my blogs. Quotes of the day, “Feel weakness is no mistake, but try to fix it that is awesome.” – Citra Pandiangan.


Today, I want to tell you the story about “Let’s Start Day with Happiness.It's normal for some people to feel no power because of bad luck sleeping at the night. Do you ever ask yourself, how do you start your day? Honestly, after a few weeks, I started my day with anger because of being tired. Night never slept enough. So, how to start the day with happiness?


Do you know, if you feel unhappy when waking up? It will affect all your day. So, do you want to feel unhappy all day? Of course not. So, there are a few things you can do to make your morning boost to happiness.


Let us start with an earlier wake of 20 minutes. This will give you some free time in the morning and reduce the rush and stress. After waking up, don’t do some activity. Give yourself a little time to sit on your bed, and say magic words in your mind as “Today is a beautiful day. I will enjoy happiness today”.


Just said those words a few times. Then you can start your day with expect it will be an amazing day. Remember, you choose your own thoughts and feelings, and they will happen in your life. Don’t forget to do a little bit of exercise and listen to your favorite music. So, it will make your day bright in the morning time. Can you imagine, if you feel happy in the morning time, it will be affected all your rest day to be happy? Don’t you wanna feel happiness in your life?


Happy Story start from You

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