Storycitra.com-Never think bad about something
nice; that will make you on trouble in future! Holiday always makes everyone
happy in the beginning but trouble in the end, when realize the money gone so
faster. Quotes of the day, “A vacation is what you take when you can no longer
take what you’ve been taking.” – Earl

Read: Fun Time in Bat Cave
Citra wants to tell you story about “Can I holiday with Budget?” The answer
depends on you! Of course, you can holiday with budged as long as you can
control your money and your desire during your holiday. Do you ever hear this statement, “going home
on vacation owes money.” That is so annoy, am I right? So, let’s holiday
without losing money because it is out of control when on vacation.

The first I
always do is making limits spend money every day while during holiday. For
example, I have to research first, where is the place I want to visit, then
make budget. It’s simple for everything
in a day, I just need spend money around 500,000 IDR for example, it’s
including hotel budget, food, and transportation.
Assign Money for each category

I love to
make assign money for each category such as hotel per day, how much I have to
spend for example in Bandung for 3 days, I have to find budget hotel per day, I
can spend around 100,000 IDR so 3 days become 300,000 IDR. Then continue about
food, as I know food in Bandung is not so expensive. Can I enjoy and hunting
food when in Bandung? Of course, I can. So, I make budget, breakfast is free in
hotel, lunch and dinner; I spend money for food per day around 150,000 IDR so for
3 days for estimated food around 450,000 IDR.

making category for food, continue about transportation and also ticketing to
visit some places. It’s making your money under control even when holiday. Why
not! I am doing that while traveling, sometimes the budget can more or less
then estimated I make it! That’s good to start it on 2020, if you have plan for
holiday without losing your money without control.
Spend in Nature

Actually, what
are you doing on holiday? The most I love to spend time in the nature. So, don’t
rush when you already in the nature. Being slow and enjoy every moment, you are
holiday and that is not competition that discovery a lot of places just for
make you get spots photo to show off on social media. Take time to enjoy two or
three hours on the beautiful place, if you are not use travel agent. You can
control your own time! No worry, as long as you understand what is time the
public transportation over operation. As I remember, for example in the 2014,
public transportation such as angkot (angkutan Kota) in Bandung stops operation
around 06.00 pm.

So, I have
to back before 04.00 pm then continue discover place around the place I stay.
It’s more simple and gets fun too. I also suggestion if you love to join with
strangers during holiday, You can share cost to rent a car and enjoy together
without on trouble with public transportation. Honestly, this is little
difficult long time ago; but in this time, it’s easy to find group strangers to
joint holiday together.
Make a shopping List

Shopping is
great but don’t shopping a lot, make a shopping list to understand what is
important things to buy. So, you will get save money and time while holiday. I
know, it’s so difficult to do but that is more fun when you know what you
should buy for family and yourself.

That is
simple tips from me, Citra Pandiangan when you want to holiday on budget; It’s
like weird but actually its work! When holiday is over, I still have money till
the next time salary. What do you think? What is your secret while holiday on
budged? Let’s share it on below comment I would love to hear and read about
your tips.

Happy Story start from You
Note: Please visit my blog to B Traveler, kitabahagia, Jejak Cantik, ngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog
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