Simple Life to get Amazing Life Part 1 is not always about money and ambition! Life is something to learn new things. Sometimes, we only want money in our lives, and we forget about the most important in alive. Some people try hard to get instant to be success. Some people try harder to make life is better step by step without rush. 

Today, Citra wants to tell you story about Simple Life to get Amazing Life. I know life is never easy day by day, but life is wonderful. Even I have to cry in my life but I never hate it! Life is making me learn something special about how to respect myself in good and bad way. So, let’s get simple life to get amazing life.


What is your passion?

Every people in the world has passion, but some people are close their eyes about their passion. They are afraid to follow their heart and passion.  People are thinking about why they are doing what they do not like. Honestly, I do whatever I like! Even I have to pay a lot about it to follow my passion. 

Am I forcing myself to follow my passion? I do not think about it! I just follow to get it better even that is not easy to follow passion but the result I get fun and happy.

 Helping The Others, sound I am an angel!

Do you ever have question like this, “Why I have to help others if I also need help either in my life?”  Life is not always about us! Life is something to give feedback, if you help the others people, we get feel good and this way to make you fulfilling about happiness. Giving positive to other people will make you get great spirits in alive.   If you do not believe, try it by yourself.

 I am not an angel and I am not rich, but helping people are not about the money. It can be support to either people who need support! Pray to your friends who need spiritual or something else. For a simple way, I have friend who is jobless and my friend need job to make them survive; either my other friend already long time married but still not having a baby. Her desire is to get a baby. I can not give them what they need, but I can make them feel better. I am praying to them and listening about their problems. The simple way like this making them feel better because they know they have someone who cares about them.

Thank You for Everything, It sounds Crazy!


I remember when I was kids, and my parents always teach me how to say Thank you even the little things such as candy. When I am growing up, sometimes I forget to say Thank You for small and big things. Then, I change it! I said thank you for everything in my life and without I realize, I feel so happy even I have nothing. Even today, I just eat small food such as fried egg but I say thank you for the food, and it make me feel so good and bye bye miss grumpy.

What do you think about this article? If you think this article so useful, would you share to your family and friends. Please, give me comment to get better life in your opinion, you share will make you get better idea either.  

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  B Travelerkitabahagia, Jejak Cantikngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog


  1. hidup yang luar biasa itu ketika hidup kita pas pasan tapi tetap bisa berbagi pada yang membutuhkan, benar gak sih ? karena selama ini itulah yang coba aku terapkan, sehingga aku tak selalu kekurangan :)meski juga tak berlebihan

  2. Nowadays, saying thanks its like something weird. Some people just laughs when we say that. Hmm thank mba cit, its very useful articles for remembering to say a magic word. Thanks

  3. Nice kakak, selalu tulisannya memotivasi :)

  4. bersyukur. mungkin itu juga jadi satu cara untuk mengubah hidup lebih emezing... hehehe

  5. Hidup itu simple, kadang kitanya aja yang bikin ribet, hehehe..

  6. Just happy dan relaxatas apa yang sudah kita punya dan miliki. Kebahagiaan adalah pada hati yang tenang dan tentram.

  7. Yesterday I read an article about passion. The title is "Don't follow your passion". It is such as a reverse of a trending topic of "Follow your passion". Follow the passion is joyful but your passion is not always give credit carrier and enough money for your live....

  8. saya juga mengajarkan tentang berbagai hal untuk berbuat baik kepada anak sejak kecil
    malah klu saya terlupa dia yang mengingatkan hahaha
    apalagi sekarang sekolah yang mengutamakan pendidikan karakter
    benar benar berpengaruh padanya


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