Explore Malacca in Raining Day

Storycitra.com- Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone wants to get lost in beautiful place. When we are already save money and get lost in the place what we want to. Bad day is coming, are you disappointed about it? Every season which it is not expected will be more fantastic to say about the adventure. It’s like quotes I choose this time, “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta.

Today, Citra wants to tell you story about Explore Malacca in raining day. I do not expected this time is raining day while I go to discover a few week in Malaysia and the last final itinerary to visit Malacca. I use bus from Mersing city to Malacca. It need more than 4 hours and we get the bus in afternoon time and arrive in Malacca in evening time.

From central bus, I choose taxi online to take us to one of my new friend which she allows me to stay in her house. I am using the website couchsurfing.com to get free stay and honestly, this is my first experience using this site. Everything is great in that moment while I am visiting her. That is on weekend so that is mean we can explore Jonker Walk, because Jonker Walk only exist in the weekend. So lovely!

Do you wonder about my short gates away in Malacca, Malaysia? Even in the raining season? I feel so amazing in that moment to explore even in the short holiday and I still wish to visit Malacca again to get lost and discover in some areas.



In the night, I just explore Jonker Walk - Famous Night Market! This is nice for us who love to enjoy the culinary but if you are Muslim should be ware because there is in some stands sell pork or non halal food.  There is not only food but also many jewels and some accessories to buy as souvenirs. 


Flash Info: Night jonker market is exist every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In that time, they allow many stands in the street. Start 6:00pm until midnight. It is here that traders will display their wares and invite you to see and buy. As people who visit Jonker street food, this is the best part to enjoy culinary in Malacca.

After satisfied in the night and we are going back to take good sleep because afternoon I should back to Indonesia. Before going back with last ferry schedule, I want to discover Malacca heritage. This place should be one list to visit when holiday in Malacca because there is the best part to see architectural building.


 So, here I am. I am walking over the Stadthuys which this is not far from A Famosa. All building in this area is RED. I ever heard some people said RED City because most this area the building painting with the red color. As I know, the Stadthuy was built in 1650 by Dutch such as their administrative centre.  


 Of course, I am also taking photo at Christ Church. This is the landmark you should take photos hahaha. It’s so fantastic even in raining. I still enjoy my time to discover the “red city” because part of part heritage is not far each other. I still can walk in corridor without making me wet.  

I really wanna go inside the Flor de la mar museum but the time is not allow me to get inside this museum. The museum is a replica of an actual Portuguese ship that sunk somewhere off the Straits of Malacca in 1511. So, I just take photo from outside. Before taking taxi to bring me to the terminal, I go to cruise along the Malacca River in the raining and make a wish one day I should back here and try to spend 3 days to explore with relaxing and no rush. Honestly, I love to discover places without rush. Rushing is suck while we are going to explore right.

Tips while raining in your holiday and it is not like what you expected.

1 Drink water as much as you can.
2 Using umbrella but it is annoy sometimes. I prepare use rain jacket or simply rain coat.
3 Put phone or camera on waterproof case so you and I still can take photo even raining without worry it will be broke
4 If you are discovering bring suitcase or backpack make sure you already put water coat or cover on your bag so it will not wet. Even it’s not heavy rain.
5 Better use sandal or simple shoes which it will not make you feel uncomfortable when walking under rain.



I wish you will enjoy your holiday. Remember if you are holiday under rain. Perhaps, in that day you are not sick but others day you will get sick. After walking or discovering you should take shower and clean your hair with warm water under shower. Then drink hot tea, that is the best way to recover your body after getting wet. Have fun and enjoy every moment.

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  B Travelerkitabahagia, Jejak Cantikngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog


  1. nice tips kakak... kadang aku sering lupa bawa sandal saat traveling, padahal sandal berguna banget saat kaki lelah pake sepatu, dan saat hujan melanda ya..

  2. Kebiasaan buruk tiap kali bawa payung adl lupa bawa payung itu pulang. Hihi. Jd saking jeranya kemana aj ga pernah bawa payung cuma jaket n dipake sebasah2nya.. 😂

  3. Glad I came across your blog. This is such a detailed and informative post. Thank you for writing such a beautiful blog post. The information given here are very useful to all. Your photos are absolutely STUNNING! and each of these places sound unique and stunning in their own way. Once again thank you very much.
    Thanks for joining the FB group'Bloggers and Travelers' and we hope you have nice time and share your beautiful photos and videos with others.
    Please feel free to invite your Friends and Contacts, Keep up the good work and enjoy :)

  4. Saya termasuk yang suka malas bawa payung saat jalan-jalan. Tapi, diusahakan bawa jas hujan :D

  5. Wahh, hampir 10 tahun lalu saya ke melaka, dulu masih sunyi banget, ini udah rame yah mba. Tentang tips Memang pilihan terbaik untuk travelling itu adalah pake sendal jepit hehehe

  6. Yes..i really want visit malacca to explore malacca heritage too. :)

  7. keren Mbk pengalamannya, seru itu burungnya banyak ya

  8. Jalan2 ya seru...ya mba.., kalo menikmati sekitarnya dengan jalan kaki...sebaiknya bawa sandal atau sepatu hak rendah.., jadi gak pegal banget...tetap nyaman buat jalan2

  9. Malaka keren juga ya, mba. Banyak bangunan tua. Saya suka. Nice tips. Moga saya juga bisa berkunjung ke Malaka.

  10. Wow, Malaka keren ternyata, banyak bangunan tua. Saya suka. Nice tips mba, moga saya juga bisa ke Malaka.

  11. Aku ke Malaka tahun 2002! Udah 16 tahun yang lalu hehehe.. dan tetap cantik yaaa

  12. Wah jadi penasaran nih pengen ke malaka. Kayaknya tempatnya tipe aku banget yang suka lihat bangunan

  13. Wah makasih tips2nya mabk. Cuma aku tu suka pipisan kalau minum banyak, apalagi pas hujan xxixixi.
    Malaka di waktu hujan tetap cantik ya, malah makin eksotis... TFS


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