Simple Ways to Say "I Love You" Every Day

Storycitra- Can love show without need to say it? As a human, we also want to hear partner say love. Especially in today's times, where the couple often busy and only engage in routine conversation about their normal routine. It can make a connection relationship will not romantic.

Today, Citra wants to tell you story how to say I love You every day. Though there are many ways to say love you every day. But how? Many people claim he/she was not a romantic person. So how is it possible, can pronounce or even say I Love  You, EVERY DAY! That is impossible, for those who claim he is not romantic people spit the word out to the husband / wives.

Say I love you is should not always say word “I LOVE YOU” but many words and action to show I love you every day. Do you want to know? Check this article below to find out how to say I love you every day without say that word “I Love You”

 Who said arguments will instead lead to a quarrel. The argument is part of set our relationships and how  we must be good at managing disagreements not for anything in the fight about becoming a conflict. But, how do you make the argument even getting close to the couple.

The trick when differences of opinion must never raised your voice tone higher. Do not bring up the issue of the past. Take a deep breath so that we do not become emotional in dissent.

 What is hard to say "Good night" before going to bed? Do we have to say good night when we had a bad day or we still fight with your spouse? The answer is YES. Say good night to  couple before going to bed will create an atmosphere in which the relationship is more important than an annoying incident that occurred on that day.

 Nothing wrong we say Good night, have beautiful dream to partner. Although, being in a state of upset or angry. Actually, if you ask my personal opinion, do not let problems or anger until sunset. At sunset, throw temper tantrums. Because a new day has arrived.


Support! Is there a dose of support that we must give to the couple. Of course, each must give the right dose every day. A relationship of mutual support in times of joy and sorrow. The forms of support not only in material but also moral.

No shame to say I am Sorry
Not always what we take in a decision is correct and wise. If we make the wrong decision, it would not hurt if we acknowledge and take responsibility for the actions we take. It was also a manifestation that we are responsible and adult. By saying "I am sorry" you have to build trust in a relationship. So, do not use the prestige if any of ya say sorry.

 Many ways to say love with you that not only the words "I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU" but also words, sorry, tone of voice, behavior, support is the whole of the spoken words "I love you, every day."

Happy Story start from You

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