Simple Words to Tell Your Feeling

 StoryCitra- Hello! Already a few days passed so fast. How are you? I wish you are best of luck this day. For you who always visit I hope you get best of luck into the day. I know life is never easy, even you are single, on relationship including husband-wife. Mostly, we always keep our feeling. We just say good things even we do not like what a joke of food they offer to us.

Today, I really want to shared some quotes. I guess it perhaps already publish in some of my pictures for contai of my blog on,, but no worry. It still fun to read and hoply it will make you get brave to tell the truth about your feeling.  Please, sometimes visit my babies. That blog I called my baby, because I always care of them like I do care “babies.”

Quotes The Day I give (read: made) it for You.

Why you are difficult to appear
I do try as the best I can to tell you
But I am still afraid to tell you
What I feel about US!
Its make my day blue
While I’m telling my feeling
I feel better . . . .

Note: Mostly people are hiding their feeling. Because real feeling always difficult to appear. While we are hiding the real feeling. It will make us on trouble day by day. Its making we get hurt inside and outside. Better tell the truth whatever the result come. At least it will make our blue day GONE forever.

Blue Inside
Getting sad is Bad
It make heart get BLUE inside
Make it get FUN again
During come out blue feeling inside
Its better then keep it inside

Note: Every body knows when we are getting sad that it will make our day worse. Because our feeling will make everything mess with the darkness could inside heart and mind. But when we are dare to tell the truth. It will make our day become FUN. Because hard feeling GONE forever...

Strong Feeling
What should I say
I have strong feeling about You
Should I say my feeling with you?
Because I fall in love with You!
I do keep it for long time
Now I dare myself to said it

O.K I guess only a few quotes with simple words to company your day today. Remember everything with simple way can description with simple words to explain your day. So, what is the best words to say this is your special day! 

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  kitabahagia, ngerumpi blog

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